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Monday, 1 September 2014

What a Summer!!

It is hard to believe it is almost two years since my last post.  Life if way too busy..... and I'm retired!  My apologies but there are so many tasks at hand.

In Southwestern Ontario, this summer has been a very odd one.  Earlier in the season, early June, we had a very short period of warm temperatures but, until recently, the day and night temps have been very mild and almost cold.  In a way, I like this.  It makes it easier working out in the yard and, for the most part, the orchids I put outside have enjoyed it.  We've had a good amount of rain so the watering has been done by Mother Nature.

Most of my orchids were removed from the greenhouse this summer while I treated my collection for an infestation of mealy bug and scale - bousduval scale - the worst.  I narrowed the source down to one of two orchid retailers - neither of which I would ever expect to carry this pest on their plants.  But there it was.  A sound lesson to isolate new acquisitions for an extended period BEFORE putting them with the rest of your collection.  This scale seems to prefer, though they are not exclusive to, Cattleyas.  There are many plants I just through out because it would be too risky to think they are pest free when the time comes to put them back in the greenhouse.  The mealy bugs had gone for the Paphiopedilums mainly.

As a hobbyist in Ontario, there is very little made available to us for the effectivve control of any pests.  So I mixed a concoction of water, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, ant poison and dish soap - put it all in a pump sprayer and went to town on everything.  I let the spray linger on the plants for about 15 minutes before rinsing them down with plain water and then repeating the process a few times over the days to come.  Everything will be re-examined before going back into the greenhouse and most things will be repotted.

All that being said, I have a lot of work to do before they can come back inside.  On the other hand, I had some nice flowers since I last posted and have included a few for you to enjoy.  Hope to talk again soon.

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